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Looking for a silent investor!

by Daniel Bonnell| Posted on February 20th, 2015| Views 2981| Print| Report Abuse

I am living in a city that is growing so fast, there is not enough rentals out there. The landlords are starting to make a killing. I have 3 unit and looking at 3 more that I know would be a great income. I have checked around with lenders, and is so hard to work with some of them with out them pulling your credit, I found one that would take the credit print out what I had. They was impress with my business plan. I know if I was given the chance to pick up the three more units, I would be in great shape, not rich just able do things that I have dreamed of. I also want to build a rescue kennel on my property to help dogs to find forever homes. This would give me that chance to also help others. 

The financial company is needing a silent investor that would have a $6000.00 credit card limit. I guess is show that you have great credit. I have good credit, I just reduce all my credit cards down to raise my credit score, this score mean so much to me. I never had a $6000.00 limit on all of my card. I am a good honest person, not a fraud. The finance company gave me a paper to give a silent invester to explain that nothing is charged to them and you dont have to do anything. Just sit there. I can send you financial referances to prove I am a hard working honest person. The best part as long as I keep my payments current after two years we can take you name off.

My credit is really not the issue, one is just moving 18 months ago, and a change of job. We move to a propety in the the country so I could have my forever home kennel. The job issue is my partner had given his whole life to a company called Coldwater Creek, he love his job, and thought big things was coming, they tripled in size. He gave them 16 years of his life to come to work and to be told they was closing the door at the end of the month. This just about killed him, because he was devoted to them. He did get a new job fast with a large truck building company, and at the same pay. Been there 7 months, after 1 year which is coming soon, will raise to $5.00 more o the hour. A nother job he has put in all the hours he can, and tries to learn all he can. His supervisor pulled him away just the other day telling how proud his is of Tims work ethic.  

I can send you anything you would need to prove I am me, and a honest, hard working person that want to enlarge my rental inventory and live a good life help animals. After two years your as log as I stay current, which is not a issue, you can have your name removed competley from the loan. You dont have to do anything but let them know you have a $6000.00 limit credit card, and it will increase my income about $3000.00 more a month. 

My current rentals have almost the same peopel that I started with, I might have a half percent of a vancancy rate. I am a good landlord and work hard to keep everything is doing good. So many pluses, in this area, let me tell you about a few weeks ago, I got an open, a olderlady that I had from day one 8 years ago move in with her daughter. I had a opening, hearig about all this stuff about how much rent has gone up I talked to my realtor, she said I should raise it $300.00 a month. I thought thats a little high. I put it on face book, with a $150.00 increase and was slammed with phone calls and emails. I had to pull the add in a half hour, I have about 50 applications still wanting a appartment. One lady offered me 6 months in advance. I showed it to the first person whos appplication was approved and they took it, with no delay. They paid one month in advance, plus the deposit. 

I can give you anything you need to prove I am a honist hard working person and vary trusting. The great thing is after 2 years you can be free of me. The best part of mine is having 3 more unit, about $2000.00 more in profit income a month. My montly mortgage is pretty high, when I got it 7 or 8 years ago. With low rates, I can get enought to pay off my current loan, and purchase 3 more units, a duplex and a single family home.

Please try to see how you can help me with really nothing but letting me use some of your credit. I will also be helping homeless and mistreated aniimals find a forever home, the same as I want to do for people. I want them to have a for ever home. A true place that is nice and they can call it a home. I give so many people chances, and I am hoping now someone will give me one.

I am open for any suggestions or questions, thank you again for takig the time toready my post,

Daniel Bonnell

Posted on:February 20th, 2015